Do I Have Urinary Incontinence?

Take this quick assessment to see if I might have urinary incontinence and learn about my next steps.

1. Do you ever find yourself leaking urine when you exercise, laugh, sneeze, or cough unexpectedly?

2. Have you felt a constant urge to urinate, only to realise there’s not much urine when you finally go?

3. Do you sometimes feel like you have no control over your bladder, with urine leaking out on its own, leaving you wondering why it happens all the time?

4. Any other remarks? (optional)

    NeverSometimesOnce or less a weekMore than once a weekContinuously/ Every time

    NeverSometimesOnce or less a weekMore than once a weekContinuously/ Every time

    NeverSometimesOnce or less a weekMore than once a weekContinuously/ Every time

    Kindly fill in your contact details to receive your results.

    Parkway Parade

    80 Marine Parade Road, Parkway Parade Office Tower #08-04 Singapore 449269
    +65 6244 5833
    +65 9732 0945
    Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri & Sat9:00AM – 6:00PM
    Wed, Sun & PHClosed


    302 Orchard Road, Tong Building
    #06-03 Singapore 238862
    +65 6235 4560
    +65 9061 0945
    Mon, Fri & Sat9:00AM – 6:00PM
    Tue, Wed & Thu9:00AM – 8:00PM
    Sun & PHClosed

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